Sunday, February 17, 2008

On the lingering anger of schizophrenic elephants

Promotional antics by untoward line backers often capitalizes on the weakened valedictory force of gravitation. When she left, she took her eyes and the left ear with her.
It is impossible to drink acai juice from an inverted glass unless you are inverted.
Troubled hearts often weep more than pump. The joy of plutocracy coexists with animosity of judicial door knobs to open a new avenue of alma mater.
The tribulations and trepidations in your mind give way to reckless bourbons of cookie makers in the platform of Hawaii. Brinjals don’t think twice before squatting on their grandmothers. The corner store in question was never part of the original constitution. Fat birds wake up sharp at 3 AM. Did the sweet ropes of Jupiter ever figure in the incarnation of palpable districts in the lions firmament? Gargling is a noun. In the effort to tighten a flask never flinch once till you are successful. The worm success has too many doublets for one’s digestion. It is hence considered increasingly difficult to control the ramifications of human effort in trying to copy meaningful rings of aspersions to a more basic version of the advancing troops in the borders of books.
The village of roses is spread in peanuts of manufactured alloys once every cycle of consummate chains.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Expanding on the realms of characteristics and then of course, contracting

Prepositions in conjunction with dry towels emanate a weird flavor of sadism. Simply put, the formidable jungle of Troy houses computers with sachets of uranium. The young boy barked back at the talking dog. Secretively, she lifted the veil from the pencil box revealing a wondrous universe of floating thoughts.
Each grain of thought weighs as much as one molecule of thoughlessness plus zero.

The philosophy of vibrating murmurs can be illustrated using chopped onions. Verdant crass comedy was indeed a preferred delicacy for the famished moans. Looking back at the past is no longer craved by the forward pedaling bicyclist. Can you spot a perfect circle circling in circles? If yes, then start from the start. If starting from the end was possible would ending from the start begin with an end? Stripes of yellow and a white buffalo were married in a local drain.
Buffalo stripes is the name of their kid.

Turn on the knob of your concentration cause what follows will always follow.
Your insignificance in this universe is powered to infinity but is your insignificance less than zero? Some jerk told me that some infinities are greater than the others. Brilliance of a thousand black holes are hidden under his pillow.
A slight misunderstanding is enough to bring joy and happy dwarves to your den in the garden. Iswearallofthisisnotoneword. Last night my mom said “Go to bed”.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Simplicity of complexity in the suburbs of king who fishes

The prism of the world is to be in the darkness of the mind irrespective of the hazardous nature of mankind forever being tumultuous enough to elicit a response from the kangaroos that have to connect to Microsoft office online to get the latest news about using word power called rogets thesaurus in the greek world of Athena.
Chapter two begins with the words chapter two and that is precisely on the tongues of endless ants that swarm into the ant hill to earn their livelihoods just like little red riding hood who was gobbled by the monster grendel. Jolie in French means pretty poe pretty. With hands akimbo the Eskimos hunted for seals. San fransico cisco systems conjures images of routers in a capitalistic economy that is headed for a recession. No that makes too much sense. San fransico looms overs the waters of London to be too pricey about Champs Elsyee. Deconstruction of the language as mastered by the masters. Kings of Kung fu often prejudiced about becoming Jane, notwithstanding the ever lasting effects of pranayama, the art of eating oxygen and spreading the molecules of air in the lungs which are the only source of life in the art of living. Maharshi Mahesh yogi who passed away up up and away as red and blue combination of the wardrobe. Toby Maguire and tom cruise scienceotology or something to that effect??? Are u still reading this crap?
It is alright to be addicted to something pathologically wrong about the destruction of logic and hence the existence of god as proved by Immanuel kant. NOT to mention the philosophy of proving the inadequate measures in our measure to be measured? Or measure ? the gravitational levitation of god and sex the. The next few lines are classic in that they are going to end with the. Isn’t that classic enough the? I guess three should amount for a few here the. But what if the first one did not count the? Now that was surely enough the. Take a break fly a kite period.